We offer our customers with a widest range of high-quality Integrated Circuits, which is appreciated for its quality and durability. We stock Hard to find integrated circuits. The Integrated Circuits are extensively used in a number of applications in almost all electronic equipment. Types Of Integrated Circuits Offered By Us Include: Microprocessors, Opto Couplers, Digital Ics, PAL / GAL, PLD / EPLD, Micro Controllers, Analog Ics, EPROM / EEPROM, Serial E²PROM, 40/45 Series, 74 LS / F / S / HC / HCT / ALS / FCT series.
Thyristors are typically used as phase-controlled current valves for AC to DC conversion and vice versa, operating at low frequencies (most often around AC line frequency). In the conducting state, thyristors feature very low losses, making them attractive devices to efficiently control very high currents and energies.Makes Available: Vishay, Ruttonsha, Hirect - Hind Rectifiers, Westcode- IXYS, IR, IRI, ABB, Eupec/Infineon T86 to T345, AEG, Powerex.
A gate turn-off thyristor (GTO) is a special type of thyristor, which is a high-power semiconductor device.GTOs, as opposed to normal thyristors, are fully controllable switches which can be turned on and off by their third lead, the GATE lead. The GTO can be turned-on by a gate signal, and can also be turned-off by a gate signal of negative polarity. GTOs (Gate Turn-off Thyristors) are optimized for low conduction losses. The typical on-off switching frequency is in the range of 200 - 500 hertz for most applications. GTOs are, by nature, relatively slow switches. Typical transition times from on to off state and vice versa are in a range of 10 - 30 microseconds. All GTOs require protective networks called "snubbers" for turn-on and turn-off. The turn-on snubber circuit, in essence an inductor, limits the rate of current rise. For turn-off, the GTO requires a device that limits the rate of voltage rise, in essence a capacitor.