Transistor is a semi-conductor device, used to amplify and switch electronic signals and serve as a fundamental building block of electronic devices. We offer our customers a wide range of Electronic Transistors, which is appreciated for their performance, durability and quality. We make available transistors ranging from the regular items to discrete components at competitive rates. We also specialize in providing equivalents for transistors not readily available in the markets. The various types of Transistors available with us are: Field-effect transistor (FET), MOSFET, JFET, Schottky, Avalanche transistor, Darlington transistor, IGBT, FREDFET, fast-reverse epitaxial diode FET, Bipolar Transistor, Audio Transistor, Photo Transistor, Low Vce (Sat) Transistors, Russian Transistors.
It is a semi-conductor device, used to amplify and switch electronic signals and serve as a fundamental building block of electronic devices. We supply range of Power Transistor that is procured from a reputed vendor base. The factors that have made transistors an ubiquitous device include:Low cost, Flexibility, Reliability.
Over the years we have gained recognition of providing with a range of Russian Transistors, Russian IC's, Russian Diodes, Russian Thyristors, Russian Potentiometers, Bullet, etc. These components are available in: KY / 2Y / KT / 2T / K / M / / , 1T/ ΓT/ FT/ RT/ K/ 2 / / 2n. We are known stockist of the widest and oddest range of Russian Transistors, Russian Germanium Transistors, Russian Ics, Russian Diodes, Russian RF, Russian Vaccum Tubes/ Valves, Russian Potentiometers.